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Allograft vs own rib rhinoplasty

Choosing between using your own rib (autologous graft) and an allograft for revision rhinoplasty involves considering various factors, including the pros and cons of each option, your specific medical situation, and the preferences of your surgeon. Here are some points to consider:

Autologous Rib Graft (Your Own Rib)


  1. No Risk of Rejection: Since the tissue comes from your own body, there is no risk of immune rejection.
  2. Lower Infection Risk: Lower risk of infection compared to foreign materials.
  3. Long-Term Stability: Autologous grafts tend to integrate well and provide long-term stability.
  4. Better Compatibility: The tissue matches your body’s characteristics perfectly, leading to more natural results.


  1. Additional Surgery: Harvesting the rib requires an additional surgical site, which means more pain, potential scarring, and a longer recovery period.
  2. Pain and Recovery: The rib harvesting site can be painful and take time to heal.
  3. Risk of Complications: There is a risk of complications such as pneumothorax (collapsed lung), though this is rare.

Allograft (Donor Tissue)


  1. No Additional Surgical Site: There is no need for a second surgical site, which reduces overall surgery time and recovery.
  2. Less Pain: Avoids the pain associated with rib harvesting.
  3. Availability: Readily available and can be used in cases where there is insufficient autologous tissue.


  1. Risk of Rejection: There is a potential risk of immune rejection, although this is generally low with modern processing techniques.
  2. Infection Risk: There is a slightly higher risk of infection compared to autologous grafts.
  3. Longevity and Stability: Allografts may not integrate as well as autologous tissue, potentially leading to long-term stability issues.

Factors to Consider

  1. Surgeon’s Expertise: The experience and comfort level of your surgeon with each type of graft can be a significant factor.
  2. Your Health and Medical History: Certain health conditions might make one option more suitable than the other.
  3. Specific Needs of the Revision: The complexity and specific requirements of your revision rhinoplasty might make one option preferable.
  4. Personal Preferences: Your own preferences regarding surgery, recovery, and potential risks.

Discussion with Your Surgeon

It’s essential to have a thorough discussion with your surgeon about these options. They can provide personalized advice based on their expertise and your unique situation. Here are some questions you might ask:

  1. What is your experience with using autologous rib grafts versus allografts in revision rhinoplasty?
  2. What are the specific risks and benefits for my case?
  3. How will the choice of graft affect the aesthetic and functional outcomes?
  4. What can I expect in terms of recovery and potential complications?

Your surgeon will be able to guide you toward the best choice for your specific needs and goals.

Dr Jason Roth Associations