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Browlift Surgery in Sydney

Browlift Surgery

A browlift helps to address ageing changes in the upper half of the face. It can help with lifting redundant brow tissue from over the upper eyelids where it may be giving a hooded appearance. A browlift can also assist with removing redundant tissue from the mid and lower face. It is very commonly performed with a facelift in order to maximise the result and longevity of the surgery. Ageing effects the entire face and unfortunately the forehead is part of that process.

Risks of surgery

Cosmetic surgery is a serious decision. Information about the risks of a browlift can be found here.

Treatment for Sagging Brows and Forehead Lines

As we age, a change in the appearance in the brows can actually effect what others perceive is your mood. You can appear angry, tired or depressed all depending on your eyebrow position. A browlift can help to return your brow position to how it was in your younger days and give it a more natural appearance. It can also assist with improving the appearance of your eyes.

Other benefits of a browlift include:

  • Improve the vertical creases that develop between the eyebrows so fillers and cosmetic injections may no longer be necessary
  • Reduce the horizontal creases that have developed across the forehead
  • Restore brows to a more youthful position.
  • Reposition a sagging brow that is “hooding” the upper eyelid giving the appearance of extra skin in that area.

Depending on your current eyebrow position, facial structure, and what is possible to optimise your appearance, Dr Roth may suggest one of the following browlift procedures below. Note that the lateral temporal browlift and pretrichial browlifts have now replaced the endoscopic browlift procedure in Dr Roth’s hands as it offers better results.

The Lateral Temporal Browlift

The temporal browlift is an excellent, minimally invasive procedure that targets droopiness of the outer part of the eyebrow and upper eyelid. In many patients only the lateral brow has actually descended with age and the medial brow remains in it’s original location. We have learnt that excess tension on the inner part of the eyebrow can cause a surprised appearance. .The temporal browlift avoids this issue.

Most patients undergoing a facelift will benefit from a browlift at the same time. Elevating the lateral brow through a lateral temporal browlift can assist in rejuvenating the eyelid and forehead areas as well as reducing the risk of “bunching” that can occur in the midface when a facelift is performed without a browlift.

A temporal browlift can be easily combined with an upper eyelid blepharoplasty or a facelift procedure.

The procedure

An incision 1.5-2cm in length is made hidden within the temporal hair approximately 1.5cm behind the hairline. If it heals appropriately, this incision will often leave no visible scar after surgery. Under direct vision, the lateral (outer) part of the eyebrow is released from it’s ligamentous attachments. The forehead is also released from it’s ligamentous attachments along an area called the conjoint tendon and temporal crest. The appropriate shape for the eyebrows and position of the forehead are then planned.

Dissolvable sutures are placed in the deep tissues to suspend the tissues in the appropriate position. Removeable sutures are placed in the hair skin superficially.

After the procedure

Patients will have a bandage applied around the site of the surgery overnight to apply pressure to minimise the risk of bruising and bleeding. Antibiotic ointment will need to be applied to the incision site 2-3x per day for 7 days. Sutures are removed at approximately 7-10 days.

The Pretrichial Browlift

This pretrichial browlift lift is an excellent browlift for patients with more significant eyebrow descent or with significant wrinkling of the forehead. It can be very customised with greater emphasis on the lateral brow than the medial brow. The visibility of the scar can be greatly minimised through the appropriate use of beveled incisions which preserve underlying hair follicles allowing hair to grow through and in front of the scar to hide it.

The surgeon removes a strip of skin and underlying tissue along the incision at the hairline. This shortens the forehead and lowers the hairline. It is an excellent choice in people with a high brow or in men with a receding temporal hairline.

The pretrichial browlift offers very precise control over the degree of lift and is also very useful when there is asymmetry of brow or hairline position that needs to be addressed.

The Coronal Browlift

The coronal browlift is another common type of browlift that is performed for ageing face rejuvenation, often at the same time as a facelift. The incision is placed within the hairline. After the excess brow tissue is lifted redundant skin can be removed. Excess tissue that is brought upwards in a facelift procedure can also be addressed. It is not as powerful or precise as the pretrichial browlift with a slightly higher risk of asymmetry and failure with time. Patients with a very high hairline or men with a receding temporal hairline may be better suited to a pretrichial browlift.


The Direct Browlift

The direct browlift involves removing a section of skin and underlying tissue above and along the length of the eyebrows. Care is taken to make the incision as close to the brow as possible so that any scarring is camouflaged after healing.

This type of browlift is useful for elevating a single eyebrow that may be asymmetrical as it is very precise. It is popular in older patients where the scar can be well hidden in a wrinkle. In younger patients one of the other types of browlift is typically preferred.

Are You A Good Candidate for A Browlift?

Look in the mirror, if you try and relax your forehead then lift the redundant skin you can simulate the effect of a browlift. Some people need to close their eyes in order to relax their brow therefore you may need some assistance from another person in order for them to assess this or take a photo for you. In particular, try lifting the skin from the outer part of the eyebrow out of your eyelid area. You may be surprised how much brow tissue has fallen down into your upper eyelid and is making your eyes look heavy. You may notice that you can see your upper eyelids better. Some of your forehead wrinkles may disappear. Redundant skin in the temple area may disappear.

If you are considering a facelift a browlift is a very useful adjunct to help deal with ageing face changes in the upper half of the face. During a facelift, when you lift deep tissue from below this can create some pleats and wrinkles near the eyes in the “crows feet” area. The best way to deal with this is through a browlift at the same time as the facelift.

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