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Ultrasonic (piezoelectric) rhinoplasty disadvantages

While ultrasonic rhinoplasty (Piezoelectric) offers many advantages, such as increased precision and reduced trauma, there are also several disadvantages and considerations to keep in mind. Patients generally have more facial swelling after an ultrasonic rhinoplasty compared with preservation rhinoplasty techniques.

Disadvantages of Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty

  1. Surgeon Expertise and Training:
    • Specialised Skills Required: Not all plastic surgeons or otolaryngologists are trained in using ultrasonic instruments. It requires specific training and experience to perform the procedure effectively and safely.
    • Limited Availability: Due to the specialised nature of the technique, finding a qualified surgeon may be more challenging, and it may not be available in all geographic areas.
  2. Cost:
    • Higher Costs: The advanced technology and the specialised training required for ultrasonic rhinoplasty can make the procedure more expensive than traditional rhinoplasty.
    • Equipment Costs: The ultrasonic equipment itself is costly, and this expense is often passed on to the patient.
  3. Suitability for All Cases:
    • Not Universally Applicable: Ultrasonic rhinoplasty may not be suitable for all types of nasal deformities or for extensive reconstructive procedures. For example, cases requiring significant structural changes or those involving very thick or very thin skin may not benefit as much from this technique.
    • Complex Cases: Extremely complex nasal surgeries, such as those involving significant trauma or previous multiple surgeries, might still require traditional methods.
  4. Learning Curve:
    • Technique Mastery: Even experienced surgeons may face a learning curve when adopting ultrasonic techniques. This can impact the initial outcomes until the surgeon gains more experience with the new method.
  5. Postoperative Expectations:
    • Patient Expectations: Patients may have high expectations due to the advertised benefits of reduced trauma and faster recovery. It is essential to have realistic expectations and understand that individual results can vary.
    • More swelling: As larger areas of skin need to be raised to allow passage of the ultrasonic instruments patients often have more facial oedema and bruising compared with other techniques.
  6. Procedure Time:
    • Potentially Longer Surgery Time: In some cases, the use of ultrasonic instruments might extend the duration of the surgery due to the meticulous nature of the technique. This could increase the overall time under anaesthesia.
  7. Technology Dependence:
    • Equipment Failure: Reliance on sophisticated equipment means that any malfunction or failure of the ultrasonic device can complicate the procedure.
    • Technological Limitations: As with any technology, there may be limitations or advancements that outdate the current equipment, necessitating continuous updates and investments.


While ultrasonic rhinoplasty offers several notable benefits, it is not without its disadvantages. These include the need for specialised surgeon expertise, higher costs, potential unsuitability for certain cases, and dependency on advanced technology. It was a popular technique from around 2018 to 2022 but by 2024 many rhinoplasty surgeons around the world had discovered it was not needed to get excellent results. In fact superior results were being obtained with preservation rhinoplasty techniques that did not use ultrasonic equipment.

It is crucial for patients to thoroughly research and consult with experienced, board-certified surgeons to determine the best approach for their individual needs and goals. Understanding both the advantages and limitations of ultrasonic rhinoplasty can help patients make informed decisions about their surgical options.

Dr Jason Roth Associations