Phone - (02) 9982 3439

FaceLift Post Operative Care Infomation

You can download this information above as a printable .pdf file here: Facelift Post-op

Facelift and Neck lift After Surgery Instructions

• Immediately after surgery, you will be wearing a bandage which will be left in place overnight
and removed by Dr Roth the next day or the day after that. Your facial tissues will react in the
form of swelling and a feeling of tightness.

• The headband dressing will be removed the day after surgery. You will be given a “Universal
Facial and Neck Wrap”. They do come in slightly different styles depending on availability but
the typical item looks similar to this –



• This should be worn all the time for the week following your surgery then at night for the next
two weeks. You may remove this to shower.

• Your bruising and swelling will peak at 48-72 hours. You need to keep your head and shoulders
elevated at 45 degrees. To achieve this use two pillows behind your head when sleeping for ten
days. It is advised not to lie on your side as this can cause uneven swelling.

• Apply cold compresses to the face and neck for 20 minutes per hour while awake for 3 days
following surgery.

Care of your incisions:

• If there is yellow crusting to dry blood in your incisions, clean them with a cotton bud with 3%
hydrogen peroxide diluted 50/50 with water. It important to keep the incision lines free of any dry
blood or crusting.

• Antibiotic ointment prescribed should be applied to the wound three times daily in the first week.
Thereafter apply white petroleum jelly (Vaseline), three times a day for a further week.
• Do not rub your incisions as there is risk of pulling open the incisions or breaking sutures.

• Never “massage” your face in the first 6 weeks following surgery. This may pull on the deeper
sutures which can “cheese wire” through their attachments.

• Avoid foods that are hard to chew and ensure you increase your fluid intake to avoid dehydration
(6-8 glasses of water or juice per day). Begin with liquids and light food gradually progressing to
a normal diet.


• Use prescription medications for pain as directed. Avoid consuming alcohol or driving while
taking pain medications. Your pain medication can make you constipated. You may use an over
the-counter stool softener if needed.

• Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, Vitamin E and herbal medications as these can all cause


• Turn your head, neck and shoulders as one for one week following surgery.
• Avoid strenuous activity for 14 days including – Aerobic exercise, Heavy lifting, Bending,
Excessive face and neck motions, Work, exercise, sport or any activity likely to raise your blood
pressure for the first 7 days.

• You may do some gentle walking in the second week.

• For 24 hrs after anaesthesia do not drink alcoholic beverages, travel by public transport without an
accompanying adult, drive or operate complex machinery, sign legal documents or make
important decisions.

• You may bathe 48 hours after your surgery. A bath is advised rather than a shower.

• Avoid the sun for one month. Wear a sunscreen SPF 30 or higher.

Contact Dr Roth or the hospital where you had your operation if you experience:

• Severe pain

• Excessive swelling especially if greater on one side than the other.

• A fever of 38 degrees or more
Post-operative visits:
• You will be seen the day or second day after surgery to remove bandages.
• Sutures in front of the ear and under the chin are removed 5-7 days after surgery. The
remaining sutures are removed at 9-10 days. There will be some absorbable sutures behind
the ear and in the deeper tissues.
• Make-up may be worn beginning day 7 using caution not to use make-up over the incision

If you are concerned at any time after your surgery:
1. Please contact Dr Roth’s rooms on (02) 9982 3439 or
2. Email us [email protected] or
3. If it is out of business hours and you need urgent care, please attend your nearest emergency
department or see your GP or
4. If your surgery was performed at Castlecrag Private Hospital or North Shore Private
Hospital you may also contact the ward nursing staff who are usually there 24 hrs a day
unless there is a hospital closure. Note that these hospitals do not have an emergency
department, have no medical staff on site overnight and cannot provide assistance in the
case of emergencies once you have left the hospital.

Answers to other common questions

• Wait at least 48hrs before wetting your incisions.
• Continue daily washing with your normal shampoo. You may use conditioner or detangler.
• No hot blow dryers, curling or flat irons, no curlers. You may blow dry on cool setting
• Use wide tooth comb as needed; avoiding sutured areas
• You can dye your hair approximately 4 weeks after surgery

• Avoid driving for 24 hrs after surgery.
• You can drive yourself to your first and subsequent post-operative appointments

• Do not use headphones, Bluetooth, ear pieces etc
• Light weight earrings may be worn 14 days after surgery

• Minor fluctuations in swelling may occur as you begin to resume normal activities
• After 1 week you may wear face makeup i.e. concealer, foundation, blush, powder, lipstick
• Use eye makeup cautiously
• Do not tweeze eyebrows for now
• No waxing of eyebrows, upper lip, facial hair until one month after surgery
• Do not use hair dye until approved, usually four weeks after surgery
• Use sunblock.
• Gentleman – no shaving for 10-14 days after surgery

Make Up Tips:
• You can apply makeup but not on the incision sites.
• Use a gentle cleanser to remove make up. Do not use scrubs or harsh chemicals.
• Keep your face moisturised
• Always wear sunscreen
• Read labels, avoid products that caution about use on broken skin, etc.
• If not needed, avoid wearing makeup because it may introduce bacteria on hands, applicators,
brushes, etc.

Dr Jason Roth Associations