Our Staff
Dr Roth’s team of staff has been carefully selected to assist in delivering the highest standards of patient care. They are all committed to ensuring patients receive the most up-to-date treatments and are passionate about ensuring optimal outcomes for their patients. Dr Roth’s anaesthetists will contact you prior to your surgery to discuss and plan your anaesthetic.
Dr Andrea Santoro
FANZCA, B Med, B Med Sci.Dr Andrea Santoro is a paediatric and adult anaesthetist who completed his training to become a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists in 2008. He attained his Medical degree at the University of Newcastle after obtaining a Bachelor of Medical Science from the University of Sydney. After a number of years working in the United Kingdom, where he commenced his anaesthetic training, he continued his specialist training at the John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle until completion in 2007. Seeking further sub-specialisation he then completed two years as a Fellow, the first at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead, and then at Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge, England. On his return to Sydney he took Consultant Specialist roles at both the Children’s Hospital at Westmead and at Royal North Shore Hospital.
As a result of working in two major tertiary referral hospitals over many years he has developed a broad practice reflecting the varied needs of patients seen in these facilities. Since 2022 Dr Santoro has concentrated his work in and around the North Shore, working principally at Royal North Shore and North Shore Private. As a senior clinical he has extensive experience in paediatrics, ENT, plastics, orthopaedics, as well as procedural sedation for Endoscopy and a number of other sub-specialty areas. His interests in quality improvement has seen him take on numerous roles over several years at both the Children’s Hospital and Royal North Shore, including projects to improve theatre productivity, reducing fasting times, and co-chairing the Dept of Anaesthesia’s Morbidity and Mortality Program at Royal North Shore.
Please contact Sydney Anaesthetics Group for a quote on 8436-7611