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Bent Nose

Why is my nose bent?

A nose can become bent from birth, normal development or trauma. There are many components of the nose (cartilages, bones, fat, skin) and just about any of these can develop a bend in it. Some components are easier to straighten than others. Often there are asymmetries in the two sides of the face which further complicate things when we try and make everything look straight.

Why is it difficult to straighten a deviated or bent nose?

When straightening a deviated or bent nose, there can be problems that make this procedure challenging. One problem that could arise is that deviated cartilage has a certain level of memory and come rarely drift back to its original position. Sometimes when the patient is born with the bent nose it can be hard to find facial symmetry in which to set the new nasal position. There are certain techniques we use to overcome these problems.

What does straightening a bent nose involve?

To create a straight nose the underlying framework must be as straight as it can. We look at all the components and ensure these are straight. If just one part of the nose is left asymmetrical it can continue to push the nose off centre.

Typically we start by straightening the nasal septum and other cartilages of the nose. Then we proceed to looking at the bony parts. The nasal bones may need to be mobilised with a small medical grade chisel called an osteotome. This part of the surgery sometimes gives patients some

If nasal bones are not treated quickly after trauma they will heal in a bent position, you generally have about three weeks until this happens.

Dr Jason Roth Associations