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Jowl Lift Surgery in Sydney

Jowl Lift Surgery

A jowl lift (lower facelift) is an operation that Dr Roth performs to tighten loose skin along the jawline and neck. It helps to tighten jowls and the classic “turkey neck” by lifting redundant skin and muscle back up into the face where it appeared in younger years. A lower facelift can help to smooth deep wrinkles and offers an improvement in the appearance of the corner of the mouth. It differs from a full facelift in that it focuses on treating the lower third of the face and the entire neck.

The lower facelift can be appealing to patients who feel the lower part of their face and neck is their main problem area and want to undertake a smaller operation compared to a full facelift.

What is a Lower Facelift?

The lower facelift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that addresses the changes of ageing in the lower part of the face and neck. It is a great procedure for patients who are primarily concerned with loose, sagging skin around the jawline and neck. Sagging skin along the jawline is usually called the jowls.

One area the lower facelift does not address is the cheeks. If you have developed deep creases just below your cheeks (the nasolabial folds) or need your cheeks and midface elevated, the deep plane facelift is the best procedure to address these issues.

A lower facelift can easily be combined with other procedures such as a browlift, blepharoplasties or a rhinoplasty.

How is a Lower Facelift procedure performed?

A lower facelift is performed in hospital under general anaesthesia. Small incisions are placed around and behind the ear, hidden in creases. A small incision may be necessary under the chin as well. These scars are well hidden. The muscle layer that creates jowls called the SMAS muscle is lifted and tightened. Excess skin is trimmed and carefully sutured.

Which areas of the face does a lower facelift address?

  • Jowls
  • Loose neck skin
  • Loose jawline skin
  • Deep wrinkles
  • Corners of the mouth

Risks of surgery

Cosmetic surgery is a serious decision. Information about the risks of a facelift can be found here.

Who is a candidate for a lower facelift?

Patients in their forties to sixties showing early signs of ageing are best suited to a lower facelift procedure. Patients should ideally be non-smokers and be open to having realistic expectations about the results of surgery once these are explained to them.

Sometimes a platysmaplasty is necessary to address very redundant skin and muscle near the midline of the neck. Fat may also need to be removed from the neck via liposuction or other means.

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